Archives for the month of: October, 2003

man, i’m gettin all mushy. first the pandas, now this. but dammit, look at that little ghost! i mean, come on!


ps – there is liquor here and ben is in his underwear and kate got a pic of him being depantsed and jeff was a vampire and jon is wearing suede pants!!!

please mom – don’t buy the eMac…buy the iMac!!

uh, thought i’d better update with something other than my baby panda obsession. lately i’ve been building a new website in css – got to do some fun javascript menus too, plus the movable type-driven News section. other than that nothing exciting has been happening really. halloween is coming up and on saturday my new couch will be delivered! i guess buying the couch is really the only piece of news.

how about a recap of things past? ok? ok!

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more ichat smileys



i can’t believe i forgot to post this…check out the baby panda!


i love it when my checkbook balances.

stupid dvds are taking SO LONG to burn. like an hour each including verification. ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH. i want to go to pizza!!! mmm….bourbon balls….ahhhhhhhhhh

happy birthday eric! tonight we eat delicious cake and salmon (well, i won’t be eating the salmon) and cookies and falafil (maybe)! ah, 24 years old – next year is the big quarter-century mark!

ever had one of those moments when you’re talking to a client and you suddenly wonder if they have any idea what they’re talking about and then you have the sinking churning feeling of…no. they don’t. the fact that i do this FOR A LIVING – i am supposedly a PROFESSIONAL – means nothing.

do you also feel this way? read this list of client quotes. you are not alone.