Archives for category: miscellany + errata


on the inner flap of my Trader Joe’s Candy Cane green tea

All I want to do is this:

sleeping koala

But I have to do this:

via Eric

She calls the path of a planet when it’s in retrograde a “whoop-dee-do”. *Love*

Saw this on Pinterest and was immediately happy. I love Peach!


(Also, I saw ‘the Help’ yesterday, and Allison Janney was really great in it.)

left brain vs right brain

click to embiggen

via BuzzFeed

Full story at the Telegraph.

by David J. Slater

Started using a new web service last week, Pinterest. You can make multiple boards, and post things you find on the internet to one or more. I’m using it to keep track of gift ideas, craft ideas, interior design concepts I like, places I want to travel, etc etc. Would be very handy for tracking gifts for multiple people, creating inspiration boards for a wedding, a renovation, and on and on. You can find my pins here.

…for the weekend I just had in the Bay Area. It worked.

LaDuree macarons

click to embiggen

via Angie