i think the party last night went well. i say “think” because i spent most of it hiding in my room. i was totally NOT in the mood for a party, plus i took one of my sisters downstairs to ph some people and while i was down there, kyle (see adorable pics in [no longer available]- yes ladies, he’s single!) came and went because he couldn’t find me. i felt like a total ass. but i guess everyone else had a good time. people were making out all over the place and apparantly there was a pretty racy game of truth or dare going on in meghan’s room. meanwhile i was on the phone to columbus for 2 hours waiting for everyone to please please please just go away.
however, the party at jim’s place the night before was excellent…well, except for kate and mike getting sick, that is. but everything else was great – the people, the dancing, the music. andrew was spinning barefoot and he and grace always look so cute together. jim b’s hair was once again defying gravity and jim f was sort of uncomfortable and feeling way older than everyone else. i think he proved the opposite once he decided to prank call edelstein in nyc and i had to stop him from calling jeff since he has kids and is therefore a “real” adult. afterwards was steak & shake – a drunken tradition for the work crew – and glorious cheese fries.
tonight is yet another night at 1800 Club – karaoke sundays. but i don’t think i’ll go, or at least won’t stay very long. i have a post production meeting for The Caseys and i need to catch up on my 300+ pages of reading for the philosophy of religion class i’m adding into 2 weeks late. ahh, university.