on wednesday i moved all of my stuff from the old apartment to the new one. jon and eric helped with the couch then mom, dad and i were on our own for everything else. we had my parents’ pickup and my grandparents’ little saturn station wagon. it took 8 hours to shuttle everything back and forth, making for about 6-7 trips total. things are still sort of a mess over there, but furniture is set up and the kitchen is getting in order. the new place is pretty big, so for awhile it will be a bit sparse. i am still waiting to find the perfect entertainment center, although that will probably have to wait until i buy a bigger tv. 19″ isn’t going to do it for me (hahahahaha. ha.).
anyway, ok, also i would like to get a bigger bookshelf because i have an insane amount of books. the bookshelf at the old place was filled – i mean, books shoved on the top and the sides and wedged in there and everything – and my bookcase at my parents’ house is in the same state. mom and dad brought up this coffee table mom got from a neighbor for $10 which is not the most attractive thing in the world but will serve its purpose for a good long while as i would rather be investing in like a nice reading chair for the sunroom, a ginormous tv, an actual bed instead of a steel frame for my mattress, a second computer monitor, a larger dresser and a ton of lighting fixtures.
tonight is a little get together at pat & jessie’s, then tomorrow eric and i am going to see ‘the chronicles of riddick’ at 1pm if anyone is interested. sunday is the big family 4th of july party at my aunt and uncle’s where i could possibly meet my cousin’s man-friend…but i still don’t know if i’m going to go. things are really messy at the new place and i don’t want to leave it like that. there is a lot of drilling and screwing and…uh, mounting…ok i swear i’m talking about furniture here. none of you believes me do you? *sigh*