saturday eric and i drove up to evanston to see ‘sideways’ but it was sold out. we got tickets instead for ‘national treasure’ but it was also sold out so when we got in there no seats could be found. SO we traded those tickets for ‘the machinist‘ which was very good. it has good atmosphere – i can’t really explain the plot because most of the movie is spent figuring out, with the main character, what is going on. christian bale dropped 65 lbs. for the role, at 6’2″ weighing in at something like 125 lbs, only to pile the weight back on right afterwards for ‘batman begins.’ i keep forgetting that he’s welsh because his american accent is so good. he gives an excellent performance – this movie is well worth the $9. aitana sanchez-gijon has a supporting role – she was in alfonso arau’s ‘a walk in the clouds’ with keanu reeves and she’s so beautiful it practically hurts to look at her in that movie.
you shouldn’t see this if you can’t handle dark movies. really dark.