i forgot! yesterday was eric and my 2 year anniversary. i mean, i didn’t forget about the anniversary, just to post about what eric gave me…tetris tower 3-D!! it is…AWESOME. not too challenging when playing by yourself, but there is something delightfully eeeee-vil about thwarting your opponent’s plan to complete a row when playing head-to-head.
our romantic night? eric cooked some of his awesome chili with hand-pulled chicken. this chili is the best chili ever (of the gourmet fancy-schmancy kind…the best fast food chili is from wendy’s); it has barbecue sauce and brown sugar and chocolate. mmmmmm. afterwards we watched some csi and played my new tetris game and then….went to sleep! that’s right – hot snoring action. eric had gotten up super-early in the morning to meet the movers at his apartment so he was pretty wiped out; i stayed up and read a bit then also passed out – and all before midnight. ahhh, pretty romantic, eh?
and what is my ultra-romantic present for eric, you might ask? oh, get this: NEW TIRES and maybe BRAKES. i bet every woman out there is jealous of my gift-giving skilz. i’ll have guys lining up to get some new radials or rotors out of me.
…i could’ve said ‘lube job’ or something like that, but let’s face it: nothing sexy about my gift AT ALL. however, i maintain that i am quite possibly giving a gift that could SAVE HIS LIFE. so really, it’s the gift of LIFE. not just spare car parts. seriously. this is how i rationalize things so i can sleep at night, okay?
happy anniversary eric!