last night we had camera prep for ‘galileo’s grave’, the clayton brown written/directed and andrew suprenant produced film i’m working on this weekend. it went…alright. considering stef and i are both super rusty. setting aside the horrifying moment when i realized i was trying to connect the follow focus to the microforce, i wasn’t too lost. good thing shannon will be there the first few days on set so stef and i won’t be totally in the dark while we reacclimate to shooting film. the sr3 is as lovely as i remembered it. lovelier maybe, since i’d never before experienced the awesomeness that is the arriglow groundglass.
if only you had the panatape, a laser based device that gives you a digital read-out of distances from a sensor mounted on the matte box. you should come out and hang on our camera truck – all 5 camera packages 🙂 more gadgets than we know what to do with 🙂