the holidays were a lot of running around and everything, but it was nice to see everyone. i was home for almost a week so i got to fully enjoy the break. good food, nice hot showers, movies and lots of ds9.
yesterday i met up with ian and his friend brandon for a late lunch. we shopped for brandon for the night’s festivities (he didn’t pack enough nice clothes for the trip) then went to josh’s to hang out for a few hours before going to andy’s party. i only got to stay a little while because i had already made plans to go to a party some of katie’s friends were having. i met andy’s sister and her best friend, both of whom are really fun and sweet. the plan was to have a guitar hero showdown, but a lot of people were there and music was playing, so instead we spent three or four hours dancing and drinking champagne punch.
shortly after midnight, the guitar hero controller was busted out, but only so jason could do a pretty awesome rendition of ‘sweet child o mine’ along with the song. it. was. fantastic. the party was great, and a perfect start to 2007. haven’t really thought about resolutions, but they’re probably small things like ‘frame all that art that’s been laying around for over a year’ or ‘get rid of clothes/books/art supplies/etc that i no longer need/use’ or ‘spend more time in caves’.
happy new year!