feeling sick, and only at work because we’re interviewing our grant applicants today. there will be no shaking of hands. i totally overdid it this weekend and stayed out too late both nights and drank more than would be advisable for someone with a bit of a cold. now i’m paying, and i know it’s my fault. but the weekend was great, so it’s worth it i suppose.
friday night was the urban exposure art show at the urban outfitters on rush. andy was showing his photos so katie and i ate at big bowl then walked over there (after a side trip to anthropologie and the puma store. ahem.). the art was fantastic and i bought (reserved?) a painting you can see in the foreground of this photo. after the show we went to darkroom for a little dancing then took the el home. a few more photos here.
saturday i went to target with matt and cecile (matt was kind enough to take me town to fb so i could pick up my car from the night before) then we went to hopleaf and met jim and sippel for dinner.
more rtvf folks showed up and we ended up staying at the hopleaf for awhile then going to charlie’s ale house for drinks in a quieter locale. some totally random people showed up and turned our table into that table – the loud obnoxious drunken table everyone hates. drunken people entertained themselves, jim talked to juliet (who apologized profusely for all of these people inviting themselves) and i talked to matt cozza. we ended up closing the bar and i got to bed sometime around 3am.
yesterday i (surprise!) felt my cold had gotten worse, so i couldn’t go bowling with jim last night. instead i im-ed and myspace-ed and read blogs all day (what am i? 15?), watched the rest of ‘dexter’ and uploaded photos. also decided on a name for antonio and my first little illustrated character, to whom you will be introduced as soon as possible.