tonight meghan, josh and eric (in town on a layover between chicago and san francisco) came over for dinner and games. maria made her awesome mini meatloaves with spicy tomato sauce, josh and eric brought special autumn/belgian beer and i opened the bottle of cherry wine i bought in germany. afterwards we played apples to apples and buzzword. it was a really nice night and i’m excited to do it again! i hadn’t seen eric since…ehh…i don’t know – february? jon’s birthday i guess? so it was great to see him. chloe wore her little dog sweater-hoodie and we even turned on the fireplace. i’m glad i got the fun in while i could though – looks like i’ll be working through the weekend and i have to drive to costa mesa in the morning.
we had a great time! thanks for inviting us. hope you get a little break from work soon.
thanks for having me over! I didn’t plan this stopover out so well so any offers of free food & a place to hang out for a few hours are greatly appreciated! & thanks to maria for the spicy meatloaves!