tonight i saw tony bennett at the greek theatre and it was completely magical! his energy and showmanship, his voice – amazing! i met up with arden, klaus and the rest of the group at the tangier for drinks and snacks beforehand, then we hiked up the hill to the theatre. his daughter did a few numbers as his opener. priceless moment: during the intro for ‘the best is yet to come’ tony bennett shouts out “vote for obama!” and the crowd goes WILD. the band was also incredible – count basie’s favorite drummer, and amazing pianist and an insane guitarist. afterwards we went to the derby for a nightcap and it was an absolutely fabulous night. now – early to bed (ok, lies – will probably watch tivo’d ‘mad men’ or read some more comics) so i can run before driving half of our group to the cabazon outlets tomorrow morning. already this weekend is great!