despite the questionable terms of service agreement, i signed up with plinky, once i looked over my blog and realized it’s wanting for original content. however, plinky does not direct-post to moveable type blogs, so you’ll have to hit up my tumblelog, miscellany to see the posts, check my plinky page, or see them posted up on facebook. if there are any that are really good i’ll double-post them here. here is the first prompt i answered:
3 overplayed songs i love anyway
i don't listen to much radio, but when i do, a lot of it sticks.
so fun. so catchy. happy, yet angry.
loved it from the first moment i heard it. really catchy, simple but great piano part. good pop songs are hard to write, you know?
the first time i heard this song was in a store in LA. i had just moved away from chicago, and this song took me back to dancing at darkroom or subterranean.