This girl on the X Factor…I’m still picking myself off the floor. Start at 2:10.
This girl on the X Factor…I’m still picking myself off the floor. Start at 2:10.
kara: really doing my best to avoid writing this paper
eric: what about?
kara: much ado about nothing
kara: due tomorrow
kara: not real long but i have no idea what to write about
eric: ohh
eric: hm
eric: just do one about all shakespeare’s sexual puns
eric: you can call it “Big Pun: I Ain’t A Player (I Just Crush A Lot)”
kara: uhhhh I don’t know if that counts as an ‘analysis question’
Deploys like an airbag!
Wow. I was tempted to turn it off about 1/4 of the way through, but it’s worth sticking through the end.
Via the Lands’ End Canvas blog:
Squirrels up here in Wisconsin think they own the joint.
We’re on a mission to knock them down a peg or two.
That being said, we’re installing these squirrel feeders around our Canvas building so we can point and laugh at these uppity rodents.