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This girl on the X Factor…I’m still picking myself off the floor. Start at 2:10.

This tomato is too pretty to eat :/

…but I will anyway. With sadness.

Lunch! #nofilter

kara: really doing my best to avoid writing this paper

eric: what about?

kara: much ado about nothing

kara: due tomorrow

kara: not real long but i have no idea what to write about

eric: ohh

eric: hm

eric: just do one about all shakespeare’s sexual puns

eric: you can call it “Big Pun: I Ain’t A Player (I Just Crush A Lot)”

kara: uhhhh I don’t know if that counts as an ‘analysis question’

Deploys like an airbag!

Wow. I was tempted to turn it off about 1/4 of the way through, but it’s worth sticking through the end.

Curiosity’s Sky Crane, heat shield, parachute, scattered around Gale Crater.

Via the Lands’ End Canvas blog:

squirrel feeder

Squirrels up here in Wisconsin think they own the joint.
We’re on a mission to knock them down a peg or two.
That being said, we’re installing these squirrel feeders around our Canvas building so we can point and laugh at these uppity rodents.

front cam image from Mars Curiosity, just after touchdown, relayed by Odyssey

sunset over the Flatirons
