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My view of the Flatirons from my balcony, before and after our big snow storm this weekend.

view of the snowy Flatirons from my balcony
today's view of the Flatirons

more window display porn

Anthropologie // Boulder, CO

Photographer Bill Gekas recreates classic paintings using his daughter as a model. More at BuzzFeed and his website.

The way you think the world looks? It doesn’t look like that.

You’re welcome.

Via Refinery29 via Megan

This is basically the most perfect Chicago city guide I’ve ever read. Some crucial things left out, but this is, essentially, Chicago.

But, if you want to live it real, avoid Portillo’s and find your own hole in the wall. To do this, first you look for a sign.

Your keys to spotting this place are:

1) Vienna Beef logo on their hanging sign
2) Their name includes one or more of the following
a. Chicago
b. Windy City
c. Beef
d. Dog
e. Gyros
f. The name of the street you’re on
g. The name of a street you’re not on
h. Any ethnic sounding name followed by an “ ‘s ”
3) Their staff appears to all be related or from the same ethnicity
4) They have any of the following
a. Signed pictures of the old mayor
b. Railroad paraphernalia
c. A picture of a giant hotdog, possibly floating in Lake Michigan
d. A menu hanging above the counter that appears to have ~50 items
e. An elderly lady working the cash register

Clyde is my new favorite character in ‘Elementary’. So many squees when he did his little leg stretch when Sherlock first picked him up. You can kind of see it in this gif:

I have never wanted a creature to be a recurring character more. I want Clyde to always be nibbling some lettuce in the background of a scene, to be keeping papers from blowing away, to be perched on Sherlock’s shoulder.

Saddest poem ever.

If anyone knows who wrote this, please let me know so I can credit this appropriately.

eric braves the mist

Latourell Falls

Today in Petrology lab we looked at thin sections of micas, quartz, and chlorite. We also had some hand samples for reference. I couldn’t get the color right on this photo; the lepidolite is more lavender than this shows.
