Today in Petrology lab we looked at thin sections of micas, quartz, and chlorite. We also had some hand samples for reference. I couldn’t get the color right on this photo; the lepidolite is more lavender than this shows.
be sure to rollover ‘notes’ to see photo captions!
Ian and I checked out the mineral show (and fossil show) and had a great time geeking out over rare and beautiful minerals. There were some hand samples I really wanted to buy, but I didn’t have hundreds of dollars to spare (or tens of thousands as the case may be) but I got a few great samples that I’m really happy with!
Wow. I was tempted to turn it off about 1/4 of the way through, but it’s worth sticking through the end.
‘Game of Thrones’ theme on a Stylophone!
Says xkcd‘s Randall Munroe:
Planets are turning out to be so common that to show all the planets in our galaxy, this chart would have to be nested in itself–with each planet replaced by a copy of the chart–at least three levels deep.
click to embiggen
Completely delightful. Wish ‘Eureka’ was on right this moment.