Kind of late posting this, but Meghan was on this week’s episode of ‘Bones’!
Felicia Day wrote a great post today about unexpected encounters with people who have been affected by something she’s written, done, or even tweeted. I don’t know if I’m super hormonal right now, or kind of wound up from a particularly sad part of the TV I just watched, or what, but Felicia’s post really got me thinking. It’s a great reminder that the amount of effort it takes to be supportive, kind, or to draw attention to a worthy cause, can reap wonderfully disproportionate results.
Even in our day-to-day lives there are so many things we can do to positively affect the people around us—an extra smile for the bus driver, asking the girl at the cash wrap how her day is going, letting a car into the lane in front of you, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Pay it forward, as the saying goes. I am going to make it my mission to do one extra-kind thing a day, even if it’s as small as putting a supportive comment on Facebook, or putting extra feeling into it when I tell my mom ‘I love you’. Won’t you join me?
If you’re on Facebook, there is some crazy memory lane action happening on my wall about a movie I’ve always had stuck in the back of my mind but couldn’t remember the name of…and whenever I’d try to describe it, I’d get stared at like I was a crazy person. Discussion at Facebook, wherein I find out one of my friends remembers this movie too (!!!!), and a synopsis + screencaps from ‘the Hugga Bunch’ movie at some totally random website I found on a Google search for “movie magic peaches mirror”.