Archives for category: miscellany + errata

straight from failblog via jon, in an effort to cheer me up after some bad news this morning. it worked.

just finished the 101 cheap eats issue of los angeles magazine and i’m ready to try some new restaurants!

the sun is coming in the window at just the right angle, so when i raise my glass to drink, a big arc of light is thrown across the whole wall.

according to buzzfeed, settlers of catan is really popular. um. duh? pretty much everyone i know plays it all the time. it’s even becoming sort of passé, it seems. how odd to find the internet lagging behind the news.

and yes, i purposely wrote the title of this post to be anachronistic 😉

Smiling coffee by mikelens.

via buzzfeed

thanks ‘i love you, man’, for making it so every time i hear ‘anwar sadat’, i think of sydney’s dog.

maybe repeating ‘uti’ over and over in your commercial isn’t the best way to attract people to your school, universal technical institute.

i just spent $25 on english muffins and i’m not one bit sorry. have you had a wolferman’s english muffin? they’re the english muffins god eats.

traffic was pretty gross today (as usual) and i let a bmw make a left turn in front of me. to my delight, as it went by the youngish new-wave-hipster held up a little sign (like one of those cardboard promo fans) that was a big yellow smiley face and had ‘THANKS!’ printed across the bottom. i laughed out loud. it made my day.

the cherries in these archer farms chocolate chip cherry oat cookies are a lit-tle toooo tart. zow.