Archives for category: photos

Brian made this for me!!

Slowly but surely! Here’s one of Eric and me from our first full day, and second hike of the trip. We did the whole Devil’s Garden loop. I think it took something like 4.5 hours.

me and eric

Man, I miss that hat.

Full set here

be sure to rollover ‘notes’ to see photo captions!

A month away from Boulder: back home to Illinois then San Diego Comic-Con, LA, Emma & Robbie’s wedding near Placerville, the Bay Area.

Yesterday at 1:30pm:

classin' up spring break

This morning at 1:30am:

opening some wine at 1:30 am

My view of the Flatirons from my balcony, before and after our big snow storm this weekend.

view of the snowy Flatirons from my balcony
today's view of the Flatirons

more window display porn

Anthropologie // Boulder, CO

eric braves the mist

Latourell Falls

Today in Petrology lab we looked at thin sections of micas, quartz, and chlorite. We also had some hand samples for reference. I couldn’t get the color right on this photo; the lepidolite is more lavender than this shows.


I was cleaning out my hard drive when I found all of the gorgeous waterfall/Mt. Hood/Timberline Lodge I took with my actual non-iPhone camera. Slowly getting them processed and posted over at Flickr, but here’s my favorite so far.

basalt and mist

Basalt columns and mist at Latourell Falls

washington monument

Listening to Barack Obama’s second inauguration speech, and remembering back to that freezing cold day four years ago when Mom and I jumped fences and barricades to find a spot overlooking the Mall, to listen to his first inauguration speech. Photos from Obama’s first inauguration.