Archives for category: photos

Not recent, but came across it again, and it is so adorable:

by Pete Souza

“A temporary White House staffer, Carlton Philadelphia, brought his family to the Oval Office for a farewell photo with President Obama. Carlton’s son softly told the President he had just gotten a haircut like President Obama, and asked if he could feel the President’s head to see if it felt the same as his.”

One of my photos was featured on LAist’s weekly 7 Reasons to Love LA:

rosslyn hotel

be sure to rollover ‘notes’ to see photo captions!

Gallery 1988 – Venice, CA

See all the pieces here.

Hm…just realized all but one of these is inspired by ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’.

my stalker

Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, Kuranda

This butterfly wouldn’t stop landing on me! Eventually my mom had to shoo it away as I ran out the door.

by Chris Kotsiopoulos – click the pic for a page where you can rollover the photo to see details of what’s what

I began the shooting the morning of December 30, 2010, taking photos with my camera on a tripod facing east. The day portion of this shoot is composed of a dozen shots covering the landscape from east to west as well as the Sun’s course across the sky, from sunrise to sunset. I recorded the Sun’s position exactly every 15 minutes using an intervalometer, with an astrosolar filter adjusted to the camera lens. In one of the shots, when the Sun was near its maximum altitude, I removed the filter in order to capture a more dramatic shot that showed the Sun’s “glare.” After sunset, I took various shots with the camera facing west-northwest in order to achieve a more smooth transition from the day portion to the night portion of the image. The night portion is also composed of a dozen landscape shots but this time from west to east. After the transition” shots, I took a short star trail sequence of approximately half an hour duration, with the camera facing northwest. At 7:30, I turned the camera to the north and started taking the “all-night” star trail shots — lasting almost 11 hours. After accomplishing this, I then turned the camera to northeast and shot another short half an hour star trail sequence, and then finally, with the camera now facing east-northeast, I took a series of night-to-day transition shots.

More info

via Buzzfeed

…the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene…


Some fantastic examples!

More amazing photos at Buzzfeed.

I held a koala!!

Her name was Pelita, she was 4.5 years old, and she was surprisingly heavy. Her info card listed her characteristics as “curious, independent, restless”. She latched on and slowly squeezed tighter and tighter with her very long and sharp claws. It was painful, but worth it to cuddle a little fuzzy koala, even if it was just for a few minutes.

My mom took this photo of snow hanging off my parents’ roof:

Hanging Drift

circus waffles

circus waffles from a brunch Meghan and Josh hosted a few years ago.

old street in Kyoto by UbiMaXx

I really really want to do more traveling.