horror photography – eek!
joshua hoffine’s photography is so scary/disturbing, i might have to sleep with my light on tonight.
joshua hoffine’s photography is so scary/disturbing, i might have to sleep with my light on tonight.
2010.10.27 – bumping this up (almost exactly a year after it was posted!) because I was watching the katee sackhoff/george takei ep and in it, raj and sheldon are arguing about their work, which of course reminded me of this.
if the video doesn’t work: go here
via eric
…and this helps to illustrate why. although shockingly, in a few of these clips she actually doesn’t look stoned or totally, like, you know, omg, whatever.
more here.
via cute overload via ellen.
look – he’s so happy!
you are being shagged by a rare parrot!
so adorable it makes me actually want a dog.
this kitten says ‘yum yum yum’ when it eats!