I’d never seen this before! thanks cameron 🙂
I’d never seen this before! thanks cameron 🙂
I love turtles, especially turtles that look like they’re having the time of their lives. also I’ve always thought turtles look like adorable old men, and kind of thought my grandpa looked like a turtle, so…yeah. I ♥ turtles.
eric introduced met to this adorable anime when I was up in sf for our redwood national park trip. it’s about a little lost kitten named chi who is taken in by a family that is not allowed to keep pets in their building. first episode below:
my friend angie has set up a webcam of her delightful bunnies in their two-story bunny condo. watch, enjoy, squee.
the face-cleaning starts at about 1:35
warning: this video’s audio track is some sort of high-pitched feedback squeal that drove me nuts inside of 15 seconds. maybe mute your computer. the only sound is tiny munching noises, anyway.
milford sound, fiordland national park
southland, new zealand