today i stopped by corner bakery to pick up lunch for maria and me. i parked in the ikea lot since the corner bakery lot is small and a pain even during off-hours. i noticed ikea had their tent up in the courtyard so i decided to stop by on my way home. and – one stop shopping! in one five-minute tent odyssey i got all of the things i’ve had a mind to find over the past few months.
solig pitcher in blue – has a little freezer insert in the middle to keep things cool! now i can make iced tea and stuff like that.

solig serving bowl – thin milky glass, and the perfect size to serve pasta/salad for two or a giant ice cream sundae. …just sayin.

solig tray in green – since my bedside table is full up with magazines and books and sometimes my laptop, i needed something for next to me on the bed, to keep drinks and maybe snacks in easy reach, without getting crumbs or spilled liquids everywhere.