i am so fucking in love with chip’s challenge for atari lynx. eric dug out his gen 1 lynx (eric’s is in much better shape than the one depicted…here is his cool carrying case also) and i played chip’s challenge for hours on end last night, got so exhausted and thumb-sore after the marathon session that i passed out and didn’t even bother to take a shower this morning or go home for a change of clothes. the lynx has a brightly colored screen and a backlight that totally makes my game boy advance look like a piece of crap. plus you can push two buttons and flip the whole thing over so the buttons are reversed – perfect for thumb fatigue!
Kara is the real “Mental Marvel!” (And I mean that in the smart way, not the “simple apartment, decorated with owl posters” way =) Also, I just recalled (via google) that if you put “MAND” in as the code on this game, you can totally see fractals!
chip can’t swim without flippers.