behold, the most perfectly formed ejecta pattern ever. this reminds me of something (all too easy)…what (blast ’em!) could (nerf herder) it (rebel scum) be (that’s no moon, it’s a space station!)?
behold, the most perfectly formed ejecta pattern ever. this reminds me of something (all too easy)…what (blast ’em!) could (nerf herder) it (rebel scum) be (that’s no moon, it’s a space station!)?
OMG… “Revenge of the Sith!” LOL! WTF? =)
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away,
There was a successful movie franchise started by George Lucas. He made three awesome films, filled withe kind of nostalgic, archetypal magic that appeals to millions and made old Joe Campbell weep with joy.
THEN, came the 90s.
And the digital revolution.
And our boy Georgy was so overwhelmed by the miracle of fast-rendering graphics, that he forgot all else in the world, like dialogue, character development, and yes, good movie titles.
In other words, he took the franchise, and shit all over it.
THAT is how we have, “The Revenge of the Sith”.