i’ve ordered tivo.
i swear i wasn’t planning to, but i went to the website and saw that they were offering boxes free (shipping included) with a 12 month subscription and i couldn’t let it go, particularly since as of yesterday eric and i have real full-service cable. i am inordinately excited, but that’s usual for me when gadgets are involved.
First of all, TiVo! Welcome to our world! Your world will never be the same, I promise. Two plus years of TiVo love here.
Have you set up the service yet? If not, when they ask you if someone referred you to TiVo, might I trouble you to tell them that I referred you (even though that’s not the case). I would get more TiVo points that way. My TiVo rewards e-mail address is my A&M one, which I will e-mail you from if you’re agreeable.
sure, i’d be happy to pass some rewards your way! also – have you seen ‘the closer’ or ‘the inside’ yet? they’re great! kyra sedgewick is particularly delightful.