i set my conscience at ease and finally buckled down and ordered a bunch of albums that i’ve been listening to and loving for months, if not years. better late than never, yeah?
also, i changed my desktop image to a character wallpaper from the very good adventures of yam roll in happy kingdom!, and every time i hide a window, i mentally jump in shock, surprised to see a little green dude with a crown staring at me.

Hee! I just changed my screensaver to this picture of Viktor Krum from the new HP. WHICH, can I just say, I am seeing at the IMAX, first showing.
My boss started calling me “Goblet of Nerds.”
ALSO: Isn’t Cedric supposed to be hot, and Krum supposed to be kind of Neanderthalish? What’s up with that?
everyone is a-twitter about viktor krum! cecile was really excited about the casting too…unfortunately i wait to read the book after i see the movie so i have no idea who this guy is or what else makes him hot besides the obvious.
also, i told cecile about how we were drooling over daniel radcliffe and she was slightly appalled. luckily my faith in her was restored when she was not so appalled when i started swooning over oliver wood (biggerstaff! heh!).
Who is this cecile character, and how could she be appalled at Daniel Radcliff swooning? I say: appalled schmaschmalled! He’s almost legal!
And FYI, Viktor Krum is Harry’s competition in the Triwizard Tournament at the center of the G of F plot. He’s Russian. He’s a professional Quiddich player. He’s a bit of a dumb jock type in the book. But, hey, I’ll take meathead!
…who is cedric? is that the guy that asks hermione to the dance?
i was swooning over the actor who plays viktor krum.
in regards to my lack of swoonage over radcliffe — i have to say, i swoon over the book harry and ron, but alas mr. radcliffe never met my expectations. my dream harry is is perfect. but man oh man, biggerstaff as wood… too bad he has graduated.
holy crap, i didn’t realize it was opening so soon (11/18). such a limited amount of time to rent all the previous movies and re-watch them before the new one! …but it will give ample opportunity to rewatch oliver wood scenes ad nauseum. 🙂
looking at this pic of cedric…the actor who plays viktor is way hotter.
Yeah, Cedric? Not that hot. In the book, he’s supposed to be the dreamiest EVAH, but he’s not so much in the movie, it looks like.
He’s the one who starts dating the Asian chick Harry has the hots for. But he gets his! Bwah!
I can’t wait for the movie (we’re rewatching the first three at work in preparation; oh, and I just got called “Chamber of Dorks.”)