during ‘king kong’ last night (which was awesome), carl denham says to ann darrow, ‘i’m someone you can trust. i’m a movie producer.’ i immediately and completely involuntarily ‘HA!!‘-ed, putting the full force of my diaphragm behind the guffaw.
it was totally silent in the theatre and no one else laughed. at least, no one else laughed as explosively as i did.
now, i realize my reaction was a little…overboard, shall we say, but seriously – NO ONE ELSE thought that was funny?? what gives? i felt like a leper. i guess, as eric pointed out, that joke probably played better in LA.
There’s a part in the first Spider-man, where Spider-man says something like “You can’t print that! It’s slander!” and the Bugle editor says, “That’s ridiculous! It’s not slander… when it’s in print, it’s libel.” Every time I’ve watched that movie (including the time I saw it in the theater) I’ve completely and flat-out lost it at that part. And I know it’s not that funny, even to journalism geeks who get it.
But you’re right, sometimes the HA! is involuntary. (Actually, I’m giggling to myself a little right now just thinking about that part.)
Oh my gawd, I just totally had another involuntary HA! incident, and I know you can appreciate this one, Kara.
I’m watching a CSI: rerun, and there’s a drawing of a girl with some signage as seen from the rearview mirror. Nicky is all “I know that signage. Erotica Boutique on Tropicana…” And everyone looks at him because, as we all know, Nicky’s a good ol’ boy who knows all about flannel and hunting licenses, but not about (gasp) sex, because he was in frat, but obviously a very lame frat. And then he busts out with…
“What? It’s distinctive… you know… the font…”
Yeah, I chuckled out loud. And the really sad part? I knew it was coming, because I remember laughing last time I saw this episode.
i don’t think i HA!-ed when i first saw that episode but i definitely took a moment out of time to think, ‘jesus. who knew nick was such a nerd?’
There’s a throwaway line at the end of Mean Girls where Cady gets gift certificates to Walker Brothers Pancake House…a line with no salience to the hundreds of other people I saw the movie with on opening night here in College Station, but a line that caused the once upon a time Evanstonian in me to laugh loudly enough to get several “are you crazy?” head turns.