Eric forwarded me this from reddit:
So today has been kind of an emotional rollercoaster.
I got accepted to University of Hawai’i’s Geology & Geophysics program!
They want a $200 tuition deposit by March 1, and I won’t hear anything from Boulder until probably mid-March at the earliest, unless an admissions counselor gets really ambitious with the stack of applications on her desk.
*sigh* What to do?
Cameron tweeted this Craigslist ad and it is brilliant. Copying the text here so it’s saved after the ad is taken down:
My name is Travis [redacted] and I will do whatever* you want me to do for less money than whoever you are paying to do it now.
Below is a list of just some of the things I can do. I do want to stress that I DO ANYTHING so email me if your requested service is not listed here.
Things I Will Do For $5:
Stare at you for 5 minutes
Give a hug to the person of your choosing
Call you on the phone and seem genuinely interested for 10 minutes
Draw your face on a balloon
Sing Barenaked Ladies’ “One Week” from memory to the best of my ability
6 minutes of copywritingThings I Will Do For $10:
Write your new theme song
Sing your new theme song on your voicemail
Spin until I throw up or you lose interest
Rename your Pokémon
Host a conference call with you and a person that you’ve always thought was cool but never really got the chance to hang out with, you know?
12 minutes of copywritingThings I Will Do For $50:
Break-up with your boyfriend or girlfriend
Help you quit smoking (I’ll call you every day for a month and yell “HEY DON’T SMOKE”)
Tell the person you like that you think they’re cute and what if you had sex together?
Try my best to fly in a public place for an hour
Make you a really great profile picture
1 hour of copywritingThings I Will Do For $100:
Tell your kids which one is actually your favorite, and what the others could do to improve their standings
Fight someone much smaller or girl than me
Email you a list of 250 things I like about you (need access to any and all social network accounts)
Clean most of your house and apologize for the things I didn’t
Deliver 5 fully cooked DiGiorno pizzas right to your door (5 mile radius from my home)
2 hours of copywritingThings I Will Do For $1,000:
Host an event (will not host anything racially insensitive, e.g. human being auction)
Give a PowerPoint presentation on team building to your business and/or extended family
Rename your children
Build you a cardboard car and make vroom-vroom sounds while you drive it
Star treatment for a month (I’ll hide in bushes and take pictures of you)
20 hours of copywritingThings I Will Do For $100,000:
Yell your name every time I wake up for the rest of my life
Change my political and spiritual leanings
Screen all your phone calls for five years
Recreate the best day of your life (or worst, whatevs)
84 straight days of copywriting *BEST VALUE*If interested, email me at [redacted].
*Prices and tasks are subject to negotiation. I will not murder or steal or perform a legendary murdersteal. No rapes, and the sex has to be unrelated to the payment, like “Oh, after you’re done cutting those trees down, do you want some lemonade?” but the lemonade means sex, mostly.
People look at me like I’m nuts when I save the little shovel-spoons they give you with your gelato. I wipe them off, stick them in my purse, and ignore the stares. Later, when I eat my ice cream or yogurt with one of these happy little spoons, it’s like a little ray of sunshine. Pow!
This is The Best Thing Ever.
via Devour via Cap Watkins via Eric
Via Eric who says:
Meanwhile Japan is like… “Molecular gastronomy? You mean that thing we commoditized, mass-produced and shipped in a box with cartoons on the front? Yeah, I guess it’s pretty cool…”
The roe is brilliant and I want one of those tiny strainers.