Great piece about Hugh Jackman and his family…and ‘Les Misérables’! I cannot emphasize how excited I am for this movie. It’s the first musical I really fell in love with (‘Sweeney Todd’ is my all-time favorite, but I couldn’t bring myself to see the movie) and I love the melodic themes and the way they intertwine. My favorite character? Éponine. She has the best songs!
…Pardon me while I go fire up the piano.
Lonely Planet posted a great guide to the top twenty free attractions in Paris.
photo by Jordan Ferney from her post 10 Things to Do in Paris with Kids
I haven’t been to Paris since my language trip in high school, and I can’t wait to go back now that I can enjoy wine, appreciate the architecture and art, and actually see the inside of a museum (museum workers’ strike prevented this). Hopefully once I finish this second bachelor’s I will be able to take a nice long trip around Europe with friends. If I do so, I will definitely be on a budget so this list will come in handy!
photo by Jordan Ferney from her post about Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur
Already kind of blew healthy-eating today with that giant Red Robin burger, so why not go all out? I bought a can of cinnamon chip scones at Sprouts, and soon after jumping two feet off the ground and yelping like a puppy when the can popped open (haven’t I outgrown that yet??), I had eight AMAZING-smelling scones. I wish I could sent this smell out to all of you; it’s phenomenal.
There are a lot of DIY projects out there and let’s be honest here–we’re in the circle of trust–most of them look effing terrible. But! Jordan Ferney has a lot of great projects over at Oh Happy Day! and they’re all pretty classy. She has a great round-up of holiday projects including:
a printable advent calendar
a felt ball garland
and a cool sequin backdrop for a holiday photo booth, amongst others.
For more cool projects, and some new holiday ideas, check out the Christmas section of the site too.
Today io9 has a great story up about the new GRAIL maps of the moon. There is a lot of exciting science here, but most laypeople will probably be most interested in what this means for the leading theory of the moon’s formation (aka the Big Splat):
[Says] Mark Wieczorek, GRAIL co-investigator at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris[,] “With this crustal thickness, the bulk composition of the moon is similar to that of Earth. This supports models where the moon is derived from Earth materials that were ejected during a giant impact event early in solar system history.”
via NASA
An animated version of the maps (Mercator projection here):
via NASA: “This movie shows the variations in the lunar gravity field as measured by NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) during the primary mapping mission from March to May 2012. Very precise microwave measurements between two spacecraft, named Ebb and Flow, were used to map gravity with high precision and high spatial resolution.”