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Hotel Villa Honegg

Hotel Villa Honegg

Hahaha these are so good. Who isn’t creeped out by that part in ‘Grease’ or ‘Sixteen Candles’??

GENIUS: The purpose of this show is to instruct young viewers in two things: literacy, and delayed gratification.

SUIT #3: Why delayed gratification?

[The GENIUS waits a long time before she answers, and everyone agrees Carl walked right into that one]

from The Toast

I’m oddly comforted that the NFL doesn’t allow this technology to be used for advertising.

Wow. I wish I could freehand this beautifully.

via IFLScience

A music-theory mystery! Seth Stevenson investigates the time signature of The Terminator’s Score.

Brad Fiedel’s Main Theme from The Terminator:

via Liz