Archives for category: miscellany + errata

OMG! on the NE corner of randolph and franklin!
a guy dressed as a sandwich!!! his shoes! his SHOES!!

…you rapscallion! how naughty! none of your business sir!

what is the difference between ketchup and catsup? besides, i mean, the fact that i happen to think that ‘ketchup’ is the correct spelling, and ‘catsup’ just looks weird and sort of reminds me of cat puke. is one the british spelling or something?




addendum: not true, but funny and had me going for awhile until the cornchoppy story. what a tease.


oh dammit, ok. here’s a picture. are you happy now?

today is my birthday. i am 22. i am at work. this would be bad except that so far i’m doing some html/css which is my favorite. i hear homemade lasagna is in the forecast for tonight, plus maybe some csi?

a shout out to my fellow september birthdays – mike, adam, riana, ben folds, harry connick jr, fiona apple, sofia loren, roxann dawson, walter koenig, rosalind chao, madeline kahn, baz luhrmann, etc etc

in wisconsin i saw a billboard advertising “Outhouse Spring” bottled water. first of all, i have no idea why you would name your company this. much less if you’re a water company. but it gets weirder: the billboard i saw proclaimed “l – m – n – o – [picture of outhouse spring bottled water, obviously meant to stand in for “p”/pee/whatever].” while this made a lasting impression, it did NOT make me want to purchase the water. neither did the second billboard: “we’re #[picture of outhouse spring bottled water], they’re #2.” what’s next? a picture of a refreshing bubbling spring with, just visible, an outhouse perched over the water upstream?!

why can’t the merchandise mart have a big cool food court? why is it all suburbia? i mean, i really like arby’s and sbarro but….it’s the merchandise mart. shouldn’t they be setting some sort of standard?

the new office is cool except for the fact that a pipe on the ceiling is held up with some telephone wire that’s been tied around it and a bracket that is bolted into the ceiling next to a bunch of gaping holes where it obviously fell or missed a stud at least 3 times. also the brick walls are like 150 years old, and when you look at it you just have a feeling that if you stared really hard the whole thing would crumble into a remarkably small pile of dust. this feeling is exacerbated by the new brick pieces i keep noticing on the floor and the bricks that are sort of falling out of the wall and the big holes and wooden plugs in the wall that sort of imply that many have already hurtled toward an unsuspecting skull.

please don’t squash me.

went to the d____ street fish market* specifically to get the only item i ever order from that restaurant: the blackened chicken sandwich. and: they’re OUT OF CHICKEN. wtf. how are you out of chicken? that’s like being out of butter or salt or TUNA. i mean COME ON!!!! so i had pasta instead. it was good, but it sure wasn’t blackened chicken. what now?! i have to call restaurants ahead to see if they carry chicken!?

*name has been omitted to protect the not-so-innocent