Archives for category: miscellany + errata

just a quick note to remind everyone that I also post snippets on my microblog: miscellany, and I post select photographs on my photo microblog.

also, there is a feature on tumblr where you can set up an ‘ask’ page, but I think it would be more effective to put it here – anything anyone wants to ask me, about any subject? I can’t promise a long, or thrilling, answer, but it would be fun to see what my readers are interested in hearing about. put it in the comments!

oatmeal cookie and root beer ice cream @coolhaus

and it only happened yesterday.

I saw hugh laurie’s delightful appearance on ‘ellen’ today, and thought I’d try to find a video of it to show you guys, but instead I found this gem from a couple years ago. first of all, he looks crazy hot. second of all, the look on his face when he hears ‘ba-donka-donk’ is priceless.

recent skittles commercial starring one of my favorite character actresses, beth grant:

here are a few awesome photos heather armstrong took on her recent trip to moab. I am burning with jealousy; I’ve been wanting to hit the parks out there for years!

Tried to type “don’t” on my iPhone & it decided I was trying to type “brontosaurus”. Weird, but still, I think my iPhone is coming on to me.

via eric


more photos over at furfin.

I can make a goooood sandwich.