Archives for category: miscellany + errata

chuck lorre’s production company card at the end of ‘the big bang theory’ always has a few paragraphs he’s written about whatever was on his mind at the time the show went out. this week’s (card #270, after ‘the gorilla experiment’) is particularly amusing:

Jillian had a urinary tract infection…again.

That sentence appeared in my head a few days ago, just as you see it above. I have no idea what it means, other than the obvious, and I don’t know anyone named Jillian. Regardless, I thought it’d be interesting to begin a vanity card with it and just see where it goes.

Jillian had a urinary tract infection…again. Her doctor liked to abbreviate the condition to UTI. She liked to abbreviate it to TMH – Too Much Humping. Regardless, the road back to vaginal happiness was always the same: cranberry juice and abstinence. Thankfully, her boyfriend, Dudley, was always very understanding. He’d just smile, hold her in his arms and say, “Well, babe, when one door closes, another one opens up.” She’d always giggle and blush when he’d say that, but deep down she wished she had the courage to cover his mouth and nose with a chloroform-soaked rag, and then, while he was unconscious, snip off his testicles with the little scissors she uses to groom her schnauzer.

All of which explains why the next sentence popped into my head recently.

Nobody sang Bee Gees songs on karaoke night like Dudley.

the credibility of said the gramophone’s best songs of 2009 list is, for me, compromised, due to the exclusion of cursive’s ‘from the hips’. it is one of my favorite songs ever. here, cursive’s performance on letterman:

a few weeks ago i tasted real ranch dressing for the first time in years…and i can’t go back to fat free. i’m trying to choke it down right now and it’s just not working. hidden valley, here i come. maybe tonight.

from penn jillette‘s twitter feed (moxie is his daughter):

I made my Mom’s Molasses Cookies. She made them every week. I made one batch and the[sic] came out pretty good. Moxie loved them, and I cried.

japanese bar codes

via buzzfeed


xkcd - bag check

from the review of the edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes album:

Make no mistake, though: Edward Sharpe & the Magnificent Zeros are no jam band. Don’t think Phish; instead, imagine what Arcade Fire would sound like if they’d sprouted up in Southern California, hanging out in a sun-baked backyard rather than hunkered down in a chilly old church in Canada.

me: i think you put it better

me: and more succinctly

eric: yeah, maybe “chilly old church” means their butt

eric: and “hunkered down” means they put a stick up in it

check out the coverage on the conan o’brien show of the general panic southern californians fall to when it rains. there have been a ton of accidents and ‘breaking weather reports’ for a ‘rainstorm’ any sane person would classify as a drizzle, if that. i think it actually rained once, and it wasn’t even that hard or that impressive. not nearly enough to cause the biblical flash floods in the burn zones that tv stations kept threatening would occur, which is the only reason i can think of for the amount of chaos precipitation causes around here.

via eric