Archives for category: videos

Fare thee well, Discovery!

somewhat related: cool flash timeline of the construction of the international space station. You can click on each part to get more info about it too. Very cool!

James McAvoy

by Mark Chilvers

Someone’s compiled a whole reel of charming moments. Thank you, filmfanatic77. Enjoy.

Via Wil Wheaton who said:

This is what it looks like when someone is completely and utterly owned. In fact, it’s why PWNED was invented:

It’s been announced!

First, play this video with your eyes closed. Then open your eyes and look at this guy. Is he what you pictured?

(Linked instead of embedded to better keep the suspense)

Letia saw the slo-mo kitty and raised me this slo-mo chipmunk!

The eating is kinda gross. But the bubble wrap pool float is cool. And the music changes are awesome – PATHOS!

via Eric

via Alex