Archives for posts with tag: science

Josh Worth’s graphic recreation of the solar system, to scale, with one pixel representing 3474.8 km (that’s 2159.14 mi). If you have the patience to scroll all the way to the gas giants, he has some interesting commentary about the inconceivability of enormous numbers and of the emptiness of space.

So cool! From my mom:

Shock waves coming from Eyjafjallajökull! Pyroclastics! Awesome! …Maybe I should study abroad in Iceland instead of NZ.

This one has some beautiful shots of lava being ejected high into the air, but I’d rather have the actual ambient audio…

Google has a great animated logo in honor of the scientist – check it out! A single frame:

Dr. Jörg C. Gerlach has developed a stem cell-powered gun that sprays skin onto burn victims like an airbrush, and cuts the time of treatment from weeks down to ninety minutes.

via io9

click to embiggen

An annular eclipse occurs when the moon, slightly more distant from Earth than on average, moves directly between Earth and the sun, thus appearing slightly smaller to observers’ eyes; the effect is a bright ring, or annulus of sunlight, around the silhouette of the moon.

Time-lapse video and more info over at

via io9

click for more info

How did this algal bloom suddenly appear in the lake?

The effect of the torrential rain over the over the vast area of recently burnt alpine forest was to wash ash and soil rich in nitrogen and other nutrients into the Gippsland Lakes. Counter intuitively, the rain and floods also increased salinity in the Lakes as the higher water level facilitated greater mixing with seawater at Lakes Entrance.


…what you’re seeing here is a second generation of algae (Noctiluca Scintillans) which grew by eating the first generation of algae (Synechococcus), which itself bloomed by feeding on the runoff from the floods, which had been filled with nutrients from wildfires. Basically, this event was two years and two disasters in the making – and it was also completely harmless. The glowing algae are not toxic, and did not wind up choking off other life forms in the lakes.


Have you seen the sun flash green or blue as it sets or rises? Learn more at io9.

Just for a moment, the setting Sun turns green

click to embiggen

by justin majeczky