Archives for the month of: January, 2006

during ‘king kong’ last night (which was awesome), carl denham says to ann darrow, ‘i’m someone you can trust. i’m a movie producer.’ i immediately and completely involuntarilyHA!!‘-ed, putting the full force of my diaphragm behind the guffaw.

it was totally silent in the theatre and no one else laughed. at least, no one else laughed as explosively as i did.

now, i realize my reaction was a little…overboard, shall we say, but seriously – NO ONE ELSE thought that was funny?? what gives? i felt like a leper. i guess, as eric pointed out, that joke probably played better in LA.

former roommates

kara: did you see the pic i posted – where jon and eric look like a couple

andrew: haha – no


andrew: haha – lovely – adam and steve

kara: ?

andrew: adam and eve, not adam and steve!

kara: OHHHH

andrew: they really look quite charming

kara: yes – i wish it had been more in focus – but it was cold out there

andrew: yeah – camera softness = subject softness 🙂

kara: they just seem really happy to be…touching…each other

andrew: yeah – i mean, look at those hands

kara: clutching!

andrew: tenderly

kara: you almost sense that just before this they were…kissing

andrew: or found out jon was pregnant

kara: LOL – YES

andrew: and the nesting begins!!

see more pics of the party via eric’s flickr page.