cardboard-flavored water isn’t awful tasting, but it’s pretty gross when you’re expecting regular water. after the initial shock it wasn’t so bad.
…ok, it was still horrible.
cardboard-flavored water isn’t awful tasting, but it’s pretty gross when you’re expecting regular water. after the initial shock it wasn’t so bad.
…ok, it was still horrible.
why were you tasting cardboard-flavored water? reminds me of the time when, as i kid, i was expecting to drink coke but i somehow wound up with milk instead. super-gross.
i got a glass of water and since it was effing hot in here at the ol’ fb, i put in a couple of ice cubes. the blower in our freezer has been known to also blow particles of dust or whatever is inside the freezer into the ice. charlie had just put a case of fla-vor-ice in the freezer and i guess the blower blew particles of cardboard from the box into the ice. that or the ice picked up the cardboardy smell. either way, the result was cardboard-flavored water.
mmm…ice and roughage. tasty.