this week maria’s sister-in-law, adele, and her friend hee jin are in town for a visit. today they picked me up and we had lunch in koreatown at a nice restaurant called so hyang. then we drove up the coast to malibu and took photos around point dume. it’s the first time i’ve been out there and haven’t been knocked over by the wind – the weather was great on the coast, although i guess it was raining in LA. we watched a lone duck diving in the ocean and saw lots of dogs playing on the beach. we drove back through the valley to hollywood & highland, checking out the green hills and giant mansions on the way. at h&h we checked out the kodak theatre, the stars, and the yellow carpet and owl ship for the ‘watchmen’ premiere (which elaine spent all day helping to set up). we walked down to the egyptian theatre and saw a big crowd – ‘the mentalist’ was on location on hollywood blvd of all places – something really cool for adele and hee jin to see. maria and me, too! we watched simon baker be enigmatic and robin tunney be gorgeous for awhile, then walked back to h&h to take pics of the hollywood sign.

tonight: probably pass out early due to the long weekend of drinking and being out late, and having to get up earlier than usual for my internship tomorrow. also i might eat a load of these sugar cookies i made since i forgot to give them to maria. maybe i should also get caught up on ‘battlestar galactica’ since there are only three episodes left. three! gah!