here is my first spam! aww…isn’t it cute? for the record if you look up that ‘person’ all the links go to dumb penis-related sites. uh yeah…i’m a GIRL. and probably no one who reads my site suffers from erectile dysfunction since about 90%…are GIRLS (even though mostly boys post comments. ahem. AHEM!! LADIES). so try making your random blanket postings a little less random, and maybe try making your comments make sense so they don’t look so suspicious. again, for emphasis: fuck off.
Can you get me Maury Povich’s Phone Number? I want to ask him where he gets his toupees.
nice try eric. i am leaving your fake-o email and ‘colon hydrotherapy’ link because they are funny and i want to know how they will react when they are inundated with emails about maury.
ok, yes i do realize that the spammer was probably a bot and not a real person. this knowledge, however, does not make my disgust any less real or the public belittling of the spammer any less satisfying. note the new comments guidelines below.