Illustrated by Other-in-Law, here is a beautiful tapestry-style map of Westeros, the fictional land of A Song of Ice and Fire. Included are a lot of easter eggs for those of you who are familiar with the whole series.
Illustrated by Other-in-Law, here is a beautiful tapestry-style map of Westeros, the fictional land of A Song of Ice and Fire. Included are a lot of easter eggs for those of you who are familiar with the whole series.
Started using a new web service last week, Pinterest. You can make multiple boards, and post things you find on the internet to one or more. I’m using it to keep track of gift ideas, craft ideas, interior design concepts I like, places I want to travel, etc etc. Would be very handy for tracking gifts for multiple people, creating inspiration boards for a wedding, a renovation, and on and on. You can find my pins here.
Brilliant! Details and great photos of the record and the packaging here.
…on Google’s homepage today! A playable guitar, complete with a record feature; record your song, get a link to the playback. Listen to my little song.
Ghost ants, scientifically known as tapinoma melanocephalum feed on sweets. Their abdomens are transparent, therefore you can see the the food they eat in full color.
From a new exhibit of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-inspired art:
by Drew Falchetta – click to embiggen
by Kali Meadows – click to embiggen
via BuzzFeed
by smapte – click to embiggen