from craigslist, by eric:
Looking for an athletic, young person to give my dong some exercise on weekday afternoons. Basic responsibilities will include letting him out, maybe tossing some balls around the backyard and potentially some light grooming work to remove any burrs or mud that might get matted into the fur. You should be a good runner and strong enough to wrestle my dong to the ground, because there are some days when he won’t come right away. I can’t afford to pay much, but if you’re anything like me the enjoyment you get from my dong will be more than enough compensation for your efforts. Please respond ASAP and we can set up a time for you to become acquainted with my dong and discuss the specifics.
he purportedly wrote this after misreading another post on craigslist earlier in the day.
update: eric’s ad got flagged and removed from craigslist but not before someone replied to it.