Archives for category: movies

worst. movie. ever. which is really disappointing because the trailer looked so awesome. i wanted to like it – i was so excited when it came out. but – ugh. i mean, the action sequences were really cool – but the script was so terrible. bizarrely awkward first to second act transition. tacked on voice over during the first scenes. AWFUL third act. like – i can’t even describe how terrible it was. plus, the thing felt so interminably long and it was…only 88 minutes. and the acting – i had no idea rachel bilson was such a terrible actress. although the script was so crappy, i’d probably just cash it in too. how did this thing get made?? god. at least ‘manos: hands of fate’ was funny.

it was really good. really funny, beautiful to look at – cute animals, great action sequences…go see it!

i saw ‘north by northwest’ for the first time tonight at the egyptian and i didn’t expect it to be so funny! or so semi-risque!

i liked it. the end.

just kidding. ok it had problems – a couple of times i was taken out of the movie by how ridiculous things were getting or a line that was over the top, but overall? it was a lot of fun. it was non-stop action and i hate that i have to admit this, but i even liked shia labeouf in it (typing that phrase hurt. a lot.). harrison ford looks his age, yes, but he still kicks ass. the set pieces in this movie are insanely cool. the thing with the big staircase? my parents and i were in the stage at warner bros where it was shot, so that was kinda neat.

maria and i saw it by ourselves because for some inexplicable reason, clayton didn’t want to see it. i know – we’re all confused too. how can you NOT want to go see indiana jones? IT’S INDIANA JONES. everyone! you should go see indiana jones! i feel bad for the x-files movie though. indy totally beat it to the punch.

update: watching ‘raiders of the lost ark’ and oh my sweet lord harrison ford is hot. no – he’s hawt.

someone please explain to me why jake gyllenhaal is going to be the lead in the prince of persia movie. then explain to me why ben barnes (prince caspian in prince caspian) was not cast instead. and don’t give me some bullshit about him not being an a-lister.

…was awesome! it was so much fun and i must read the ultimates again. also? the incredible hulk? can’t wait.

…was so so good! it was really sweet – jason segel is so adorable in it – and really really funny. the supporting cast is really good (“you sound like you’re from lon-don!”) and the rock opera puppet musical is AMAZING. go see this.

update: more saul bass! a children’s book he illustrated.

the answer? they would be more awesome-er.

more saul bass title sequences including psycho, alien, the man with the golden arm, cape fear, and more.

via drawn!

posted on my tumblelog – what i’ve seen, what i need to see.

the piano is gorgeous. the end. maria pointed out that i need to buy a cover for it or something so it stays pretty. thanks again, mom & dad and grandma for the awesomest christmas present ever!!

maria, clayton and i just got home from seeing ‘american gangster’. which was really good. you should see it. will denzel ever not be fantastic?