Archives for category: photos

by igor P]podgorny

be sure to rollover ‘notes’ to see photo captions!

For my birthday this year, I knew months in advance what I wanted to do: see ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’! Goldstar had an amazing deal on tickets, and we ended up with great seats. We were probably the only large group of adults without kids but WHO CARES. The show was fantastic – the staging was very clever and the robots and puppeteering were impressive to say the least. Moving mini-continents, plants and flowers that ‘grow’, dino battles, soaring over the ocean, and a quasi-Indiana Jones narrator. I highly recommend this show!

More info, including stats about the animatronics and production, and dino dossiers.

lizard toes!

palmer’s point tide pools, patrick’s point state park

singing one of his big-band classics


he was after some hot chocolate that had been spilled on the picnic table.

patrick’s point state park, august 2010

previous long, weird post about slugs

last saturday when renee and I were downtown for ‘the lieutenant of inishmore’, I managed to snap a few photos of the concert hall. next goal: actually go to a concert inside this beautiful building!

curves and angles

sunset reflections

view on black

red velvet pancakes

from larchmont bungalow


union station, los angeles

be sure to rollover ‘notes’ to see photo captions!

Renee and I took an impromptu trip to the observatory one summer evening. We got to look through the big 12" Zeiss telescope and saw the surface of the moon and the Apollo landing sites! Later, we got a beautiful view of all of Los Angeles as the sun went down.

be sure to rollover ‘notes’ to see photo captions!

Breakfast in the International Dining Room with Aunt Linnea, then the cooking demo and galley tour, which were really interesting!

Spent most of the day on the Sun Deck – watched the cocktail competition, the ice-carving demonstration, and had the Asian buffet and a big bloody mary for lunch. Ice cream later on, then went to the live taping of ‘The Wake Show’, the ship’s morning show. Spent some time in the sun, then hung out in the hot tub with Dad.

Watched the replay of the international crew talent show on TV while we got ready for dinner. We went back to Vivaldi, and saw our waiter from the first night, Chicken, and talked with Shirley and Ken, some new friends from the cruise.