Archives for category: quotes

‘point break’ comes on right after csi and the opening credits begin:

[waves crash on a beach]

eric: hey, this movie starts just like ‘american history x’!

[cut to guy surfing]

eric: well…not now. but it would be great if they edited this into the beginning of ‘american history x’! desaturated it and slipped it in there…


mark: alright, i’m driving this guy home

jon: no, i’m driving him home, if you know what i mean. [whispers] sodomy!

eric: she’s broke. only $80 to her name or something like that

kara: don’t you have like -$3000 to your name?

eric: yeah, but i use a different style of accounting than she does. it’s called the “Oh Shit Method”

antonio: you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

kara: right now on the WB: a new show’s premiere – ‘beauty and the geek’! it’s AWESOME

jon: oh my god kara! they made a show about your life!

any guesses as to what is happening here?

antonio: gently, nigel. gently!

nigel: i don’t think this is going to work

antonio: just keep tapping

antonio: no – gently nigel. you don’t want them to explode!

kara: look! another gray hair! geez, where are these all coming from?! you used to have like, two and now they’re everywhere!!



*failed pluck*

*failed pluck*

eric: ow!

kara: sorry! i’ll get it this time…

…*failed pluck*

eric: [twists away] i can’t hear ‘family guy’!

kara: i’msorryi’msorry!

eric: HEY – i probably got some down in my pants too – why don’t you go paw around in there?! huh? …TAKE A GOOD LOOK!

kara: adult rpgs?!

eric: what about a live-action adult rpg?

kara: isn’t that just “a fantasy”? i just don’t understand the point of an online erotic rpg

kara: i guess i’m just imagining something like those text-adventures i played

kara: i mean, ‘look‘… i don’t know – ‘GOBLIN. touch goblin.

eric:touch goblin penis‘!

kara:: ha! and then like, ‘i don't know _touch goblin penis_

eric:fellate goblin‘!

eric: can you hear? [covers ear with hand]

kara: yes.

eric: can you hear? [presses harder]

kara: yes.

eric: can you hear the tv?

kara: yes. my other ear isn’t blocked.

eric: how about now? [sticks finger in ear]

kara: ew! gross! don’t stick your finger in my ear!

[struggle ensues]

kara: no! get away!

eric: what’s wrong? is my finger diseased now that it’s been in your ear?

[menaces with finger]

kara: no, but…ew! stop! don’t…touch…! unclean! unclean!!

eric: i washed it!

kara: what? your finger??

eric: my whole hand!…BOTH of them!

huh. this isn’t as funny written out. guess you had to be there. sorry. i’m lame.

mark: sidenote… so many cute southern protestant women. Most I could never date though.

kara: oh. illegal?

mark: worse. moral.