from Lost Moon Radio, episode 5.
from Lost Moon Radio, episode 5.
watch the ‘discovery’ get prepped for launch! so so cool. I am not ashamed to say I cried at the end of this. I again quote a recent episode of ‘the big bang theory’:
…there are man-made objects on the moon, put there by a member of a species that only 60 years before had just invented the airplane!
humans are pretty amazing, guys. the things we can do are breathtaking.
the new broken bells music video (for my favorite song on the album), starring christina hendricks!
via cute overload via ellen
behold: the latest installment of the spitzer science center’s web series for kids. starring amy okuda from ‘the guild’ and the voice of wil wheaton. the setting: the giant ring of saturn!
tangent: as wil wheaton has noted via his site and twitter, there was a truly great line in the finale of ‘the big bang theory’ last night, and I’d like to share it here:
…there are man-made objects on the moon, put there by a member of a species that only 60 years before had just invented the airplane!
whoa. right??