Archives for category: videos

almost as awesome as the bsg – ds9 mashup, but maybe actually more awesome because it involves macgyver? dunno. but it’s pretty great.

related: anyone can feel free to buy me this.

popcap is promoting their new game, plants vs. zombies, with an oddly catchy music video.

via eric

yay more green porno! the first installation (tab that reads ‘green porno 1’) was all about how insects reproduce, and the new series is about sea creatures, and is just as brilliant. like last time, the series rides the line between educational/clever and disturbingly inappropriate, e.g. a gallery of giant construction paper animal penises.

but again – it IS educational! and the sets and costumes are all handmade and amazing. be on the lookout for the dead limpet (you know it’s dead because it has ‘x’s over its eyes) and the great anglerfish costume. ‘whale’ is probably nsfw. ‘barnacle’ is questionable, but i’m pretty sure a casual observer will just think that giant pink thing is a tentacle. and not a barnacle penis.

i realize this is kind of inappropriate. and gross. but it’s also hilarious and oddly adorable. is that turtle actually making those noises??

via eric

via eric sent me the mcsweeney’s keeping up with the cardassians episode guide and it’s pretty fabulous.

while i’m thinking of it – ds9/bsg credits mashup. the first time i watched this a few years ago, i actually cried. that is how much i love both of these shows. …and also how pathetically nerdy i am.

OMG BEST THING EVER! i love riker’s reaction, and how uncomfortable/disappointed deanna and beverly look.

you might also be interested in this alternate ending to ‘back to the future’.

via eric

Game night started with Settlers of Catan, but then Cameron and I finally had some takers for Super Jenga, a hypothetical game we’ve been itching to try since we realized we both had Jenga. What if we put the two Jenga sets….together? Into ONE TOWER??

Turns out, Super Jenga is more entertaining/nervewracking than we could have imagined, especially since the tower lasted way longer than we all anticipated. This was our Friday night, folks. 🙂

via buzzfeed

cute things falling asleep! a whole blog devoted to it!

bear! his noooooooose!

see more over at vimeo. unfortunately due to compression and my lack of a real video camera, the audio and picture quality is pretty meh. i’m in the midst of uploading photographs from the falls – 23 uploaded, about 70 to go! – and they are a far better visual representation. but, i think the videos do give a better idea of scale and the staggering amount of water that is moving around.