Priceless. …also if you haven’t seen ‘the Artist’ yet, you should. Or at least rent it eventually. It’s delightful.
Priceless. …also if you haven’t seen ‘the Artist’ yet, you should. Or at least rent it eventually. It’s delightful.
I thought maybe the arc in the floor was for a big safety barrier to shield students from hem experiments. Nope. This blew my mind, but not as much as the guy sitting next to me.
In more Psychic Bunny/Lead Balloon news – the super-secret 360° shoot I worked on a few years ago has also been posted (probably awhile ago – apologies for not being more on top of this!). Social Animal‘s camera rig…was amazing. The SA9 has nine HD cameras pointed straight up at a mirrored rig, all connected to nine MacBookPros. It made for some pretty intense equipment moves/hides and cable wrangling, not to mention the challenges of directing actors in360°. It was a really awesome shoot and I’m glad I can finally talk about it!
You can watch the demo we shot, and a behind the scenes featurette at the Qualia site. Be on the lookout for me! I’m wearing a teal hoodie.
So remember that ‘Dr. Bonesaw’ shoot I worked on way back when (photos here)? Psychic Bunny/Lead Balloon took that footage and rolled it into a short about…well…aftermath, is the best way I can put it – starring the delightfulLaurel Vail! Scroll down the Lead Balloon projects page to ‘Still Beating’.
(Also I am way way late in posting this. Apologies!)
From a contest for fan-created commercials for the Super Bowl. Allegedly. Even if it is fake, and is some backdoor viral marketing, it’s still amazing.
via Nerdist
With Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes and Jim Carrey
Oh the little rover that could! The Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, were only meant to last for 90 Martian-days (~92 Earth-days). Opportunity is still out there, exploring the surface of Mars (and soon to be joined by her cousin, the Mars Science Laboratory), but Spirit, five years and almost four months after landing on Mars, became stuck in a patch of soft ground. This video is composed of stills, and shows the rover traveling across Mars, conducting experiments, and finally, sadly, becoming stuck. I like to imagine that someday we’ll find Spirit, buried in the Martian soil, and once we clean off the solar panels and give her some power she’ll spring back to life.
via Wikipedia – click to embiggen
click to embiggen