- snow in october: wtf?
- confusing/rude/bizarro-world emails: wtf?
- other things i shouldn’t mention publicly: wtf?
after two weeks of super-focused-ness at work, my brain has had enough. today i can’t concentrate, keep forgetting things and even worse, am having problems giving a frak about anything in general. all i want to do is something mindless like tv or nintendo or sleep.
last night i actually had a dream about work. and not one of my usual crazy dreams where something cool happens like a spaceship materializes in the office, or someone blows up something or there’s an earthquake and we’re all forced to survive using only our wits, large design library and emp-blasted macs.
no, i had a dream about actual work. about sitting in front of my computer and coding – about talking to dawn about the status of a project. i woke up more tired than when i went to sleep because my brain had basically been working all night. LAME.
today is antonio’s last day as the big cheese, so we’re all cooking stuff. antonio is making smoothies and cracker barrel hash brown casserole and i’m making strawberry shortcake.
the strawberries charlie bought at whole foods looked like strawberries in a commercial. a commercial in heaven. bright red and plump. the insides: bright red. the taste: sweet and delicious. i cut up 2 pounds to macerate in half a cup of sugar and they smell awesome! time to go eat casserole!
update: the casserole was awesome. the shortcake was awesome. tomorrow: puerto rican food for lunch! mmm…tostones!
travis: how long has it been since you had real chocolate?
antonio: well…i haven’t had milk knowingly for…five years
travis: i don’t know what i’d do if i couldn’t have milk! i love it! i eat milk and pizza at the same time!
kara: ewwwwww
antonio: it’s not natural! it’s just…wrong!
travis: what do you mean?
antonio: milk is meant to take a calf to a cow in a few weeks. we’re the only species that drinks another animal’s milk! it’s wrong!
[skeptical noises from everyone else]
antonio: serious! look, you don’t see koalas running up to gorillas and sucking on their gorilla teats!
prince throws in his two cents: animal kingdom (first verse)
(*quote from arnold schwarzenegger)
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i took a few photos at the office holiday party. most of them came out kinda blurry because i didn’t bother to reset the iso, but whatevs! the party was great – a lot of people came, there was an insane amount of food and drink and i think everyone had a good time.
the catering is here, the lights and garland are strung, the music is turned up and the t-shirts are stocked. hooray for the holiday party!
this morning i spent about half an hour getting everyone in the office on ichat/im/[insert your preferred client here]. now we can use the ‘current itunes track’ function in ichat to show everyone in the office what’s playing on the stereo so we (meaning “i”) don’t have to yell out, “hey, who is this??” every 5 minutes.
idea thrown out before deciding on ichat: buying a big scrolling billboard sign and hanging it above the stereo. write custom interface program to send current tracks in real-time to the scrolling sign from the pc. would be cool if i could get it to work, but i’ve no idea how to do that. if anyone out there does know how to do that, by all means let me know.
ah, the gods of nerdery are smiling on me today.
um, so there are some pies and desserts here at work. FREE dessert y’all! so i decided to be adventurous and have some of the pie that no one knew what it was. except that i’m eating it and i still don’t know what it is. it’s sort of…brown. there isn’t stuff in it, it’s all mixed together. it’s like a brown cake with a thick brown gelatinous layer between it and the crust… uh…it’s not real fruity or sweet…in fact it smells savory…there is a light crumbly flour-y topping on it…what the hell is this??
update: this pie has a weird aftertaste.
update update: upon talking about where to eat in san francisco this weekend:
kara: or, man wendy’s does sound good. like, it sounds good RIGHT NOW
eric: it’s pretty close
kara: because i am HUNGRY
eric: hehe, sorry about that
kara: that pie must’ve been makeyoumorehungry pie
eric: maybe it was faux bacon and real marijuana
kara: lol
eric: bacon-flavored marijuana
any guesses as to what is happening here?
antonio: gently, nigel. gently!
nigel: i don’t think this is going to work
antonio: just keep tapping
antonio: no – gently nigel. you don’t want them to explode!