…some candy. thanks for buying this round!
…some candy. thanks for buying this round!
today, children, i have a scary story to tell you. would you like to hear it? okay, it goes like this:
sometimes you think that things are ok. not ideal, but ok. then one of your bosses decides to leave the company. ok, fine – he has a new family, he has to reassess his priorities. you think, well that is awful, but maybe this is an opportunity to make lemons into lemonade. like maybe things can be worked out.
then two of your close friends get laid off. the only two with actual degrees in their fields. and for awhile you think that even that could be dealt with and hey, they could do a lot better elsewhere anyway, so maybe it’s for the best.
then you get a ‘pep talk’ from your boss where he basically threatens everyone and lets everyone know that there is nothing special about them, they are expendable and he has stacks of resumes from people that would love to take the jobs.
sounds scary doesn’t it? wouldn’t it be wonderful if it were just a story? something self-contained and easily forgotten after the telling is complete?
unfortunately, this is real.
stupid dvds are taking SO LONG to burn. like an hour each including verification. ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH. i want to go to pizza!!! mmm….bourbon balls….ahhhhhhhhhh
ever had one of those moments when you’re talking to a client and you suddenly wonder if they have any idea what they’re talking about and then you have the sinking churning feeling of…no. they don’t. the fact that i do this FOR A LIVING – i am supposedly a PROFESSIONAL – means nothing.
do you also feel this way? read this list of client quotes. you are not alone.
the new office is cool except for the fact that a pipe on the ceiling is held up with some telephone wire that’s been tied around it and a bracket that is bolted into the ceiling next to a bunch of gaping holes where it obviously fell or missed a stud at least 3 times. also the brick walls are like 150 years old, and when you look at it you just have a feeling that if you stared really hard the whole thing would crumble into a remarkably small pile of dust. this feeling is exacerbated by the new brick pieces i keep noticing on the floor and the bricks that are sort of falling out of the wall and the big holes and wooden plugs in the wall that sort of imply that many have already hurtled toward an unsuspecting skull.
please don’t squash me.
earl: [gesturing towards jon’s handwritten notes] what typeface are these numbers? i like it.
jon: ballpoint – new cutting-edge technology.
ozzie: W___ is on my plate but at the same time it’s been pushed to the side like veggies until C__ is through.
this has been the coolest week ever. i’ve been doing html, editing mt templates and css, using TERMINAL (of course i didn’t really get what i was doing with terminal…but still i used it like FIVE times!)…this is the most fun i’ve had at work since…
well, anyway, also note the itty-bitty changes i’ve been making to the website.
jeff: here’s the link to macromedia! download the plugin for godsake!
jim: join the rest of the free world!
today at work all i’ve been doing is html, and it’s been the best day ever!!
perhaps (nerd) i should take a step back and examine (nerd) why this is so much (nerd) fun to me (nerd).