What if you drew everything you ate…for 30 years?? A Tokyo chef did it, and you can see his beautiful drawings (some are pop-ups!) here.
What if you drew everything you ate…for 30 years?? A Tokyo chef did it, and you can see his beautiful drawings (some are pop-ups!) here.
This is basically the most perfect Chicago city guide I’ve ever read. Some crucial things left out, but this is, essentially, Chicago.
But, if you want to live it real, avoid Portillo’s and find your own hole in the wall. To do this, first you look for a sign.
Your keys to spotting this place are:
1) Vienna Beef logo on their hanging sign
2) Their name includes one or more of the following
a. Chicago
b. Windy City
c. Beef
d. Dog
e. Gyros
f. The name of the street you’re on
g. The name of a street you’re not on
h. Any ethnic sounding name followed by an “ ‘s ”
3) Their staff appears to all be related or from the same ethnicity
4) They have any of the following
a. Signed pictures of the old mayor
b. Railroad paraphernalia
c. A picture of a giant hotdog, possibly floating in Lake Michigan
d. A menu hanging above the counter that appears to have ~50 items
e. An elderly lady working the cash register
Already kind of blew healthy-eating today with that giant Red Robin burger, so why not go all out? I bought a can of cinnamon chip scones at Sprouts, and soon after jumping two feet off the ground and yelping like a puppy when the can popped open (haven’t I outgrown that yet??), I had eight AMAZING-smelling scones. I wish I could sent this smell out to all of you; it’s phenomenal.
I just made apricot chicken from Elise Bauer’s recipe and oh my goodness is it good. Took me a long time to make since I don’t cook often (and cook meat even less often, so I was worried my chicken wouldn’t be cooked through) but it was really easy. And smelled AMAZING as it was cooking! When I tried a little of the sauce as it was simmering, I involuntarily shouted expletives. Next time I might use a little less jam (I didn’t have fresh apricots on hand) and a bit more hot sauce. I served it over quinoa, because it was the only grain/noodle I had around, and I liked how the quinoa absorbed the sweet-spicy liquid so the whole thing almost became a thick stew. I’ll definitely make this again!